Luxury Service includes monthly inspections and treatments to fertilize the lawn and control weeds. This service is designed for those who want the healthiest lawns with the best results.
During each treatment the technician will inspect the lawn and determine the best mix of micronutrients, macronutrients and other organic nutrients to give the turf what it needs.
During each visit the technician will survey the turf for weeds and apply controls. Some weeds may need to be removed manually and any divots left will be filled with an organic soil.
Insects will invade your lawn and can be problems for the turf and your family. We will treat for basic insect controls along the ay to ensure insect levels are minimized.
In Georgia we can have warm humid days that produce the perfect environment for fungus and diseases to grow. We will preventively treat for fungus and diseases.
*Some funguses and disease that live in the soil, will not be covered by this service, but we will provide you with a plan for treatment.
Adding liquid aeration products and growth regulators during the growing season will aid the turf intaking the water it needs while not growing too rapidly.
Premium Service includes 8 treatments a year of balanced fertilizer and weed controls to produce a healthy lawn. This service includes treating for all grassy weeds and sedges that come up along with adding micronutrients that will enhance the health of the turf for that premium look your neighbors will admire from their front porch.
A combination of balanced macro and micro nutrients will be used to ensure the turf is lush and healthy. During long periods of drought fertilizers will be replaced will liquid aerification products to help the lawn get the water it needs to the roots for intake.
Each service the lawn will be surveyed for weeds and proper action will be taken to control the weed or remove it. At times certain weeds will be removed manually and divots will be filled with an organic mix.
During the summer months when long periods of drought occur, our team will apply a liquid aeration product to the lawn to open it up and allow the soil to better allow water to flow down to the roots for the turf to intake the water.